NYS Accreditation

- Parking meter and parking permit enforcement is suspended on all Village holidays and Sundays
- Parking meters are enforced Monday through Saturday
- Parking permits are enforced weekdays from 7 AM to 4 PM
- Parking in permit areas of the Village is FREE on weekdays after 4 PM and all day Saturday and Sunday
- Overnight parking rules are enforced daily in all Muncipal Parking Fields and Village roadways
Village holidays
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- President’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Fourth of July
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Veteran’s Day
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
Overnight Parking Rules:
Village Code restricts overnight parking on streets from 3:00 A.M. to 5:00 A.M. If out of town guests are staying at your residence and need to park on the street, a Guest Pass may be obtained from the Police Department. Guest Passes cannot be issued via phone. A registration book must be filled out with the address and license plate number of the vehicle to remain on the street. Guest passes may not be issued to residents. Residents that must park in Municipal Parking Fields overnight must obtain an overnight permit from Village Hall.
Guest passes only permit the owner of the vehicle to park legally on the street from 3-5 A.M. After that all other parking rules apply and are not negated by the permit.
If construction is being done on your home and you must park on the street, you may call for permission (no guest pass necessary). Signs of construction must be obvious for the police officer (dumpster in the driveway, building material etc). The same applies for a new driveway or resurfacing. Barricades, caution tape etc. For long term construction issues, call a dispatcher (0630-2300 Mon-Fri) and she will handle your request.
We ask for your assistance in keeping vehicles off the street overnight. It helps our law enforcement efforts tremendously.